— Winter of Doing. #ShareYourLearning

Santanu Biswas
2 min readFeb 6, 2021

Coming across a post in LinkedIn and then a YouTube video. Participated think it would be a good experience (as told by the YouTube creator). It was on the onset of the program that I knew it was one of a kind event I have never experienced before. The notion of learning something by doing it is really underrated and not implemented to the potential. In the last one year I have completed several online education courses and I have to say it gave me the best experience among them all.

Starting with Stage 1, where the main objective was to complete Bytes. Bytes are topics with milestones. Completing a byte requires completing all the milestones in it. The Bytes that I completed in Stage-1: HTTP, REST APIs, Linux, Cloud with AWS, Git and HTML & CSS.

Each milestone consists of tasks that can be performed in a virtual workspace provided by CRIO. Everything is in a step-by-step order. At the end of the milestone there is a small test which confirms that you have learned from it. The curious cat sections provides that extra knowledge by igniting your curiousity.

All in all it is a great journey so far. I have currently qualified to Stage-2. Can’t wait to get to Stage-3.

